Grant Process

The purpose of the LAEF Grant Program is to expose students to new subject matter and/or new ways of learning and to encourage teaching methods that excite and strengthen children’s innate desire to learn. Further details of the funding criteria are listed on the grant application form. The following steps outline applicant and LAEF responsibilities that help us to respond to grant applications efficiently. Please note that no applications will be reviewed without the approval and signature of the superintendent. Please direct any questions to a LAEF board member or to

  • The subcommittee chair reviews the application, contacting the applicant if more information is needed.
  • The Program Committee meets, discusses the merits of the application and decides on a recommendation to the full LAEF board.
  • The subcommittee chair e-mails a synopsis to all board members for review prior to the next regular meeting.
  • The subcommittee chair informs the applicant of decision by email.  The LAEF Treasurer sends a check to cover approved costs to the business office.
  • The Public Relations Committee chair handles press releases, photo ops, etc.
  • Within one month after completion of the grant-funded project, the applicant submits a brief report to the subcommittee chair, including dates, participants, results, comments and photos if available.

Our grant application is available above in a Word document that can be typed on and sent to the superintendent for approval.